Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd
Grundlagen, Seminare, Projekte, Abschlussarbeiten
Bachelor Interaktionsgestaltung, Master Strategische Gestaltung
Projects and Theses
Bachelor Interaction Design
To learn what we do at HfG Gmünd, check out the study program's project platform: interaction design portfolio (sorry, temporarily not available due to copyright issues ...)
If you are interested in the projects I supervised:
click here: (sorry, temporarily not available due to copyright issues ... You may instead have a look at some of my student's projects, documented in the last digital semester exhibition here:
B.A. thesis on music theory "Harmoniemaschine":

Invention Design I, 3rd semester BA Interaction Design:

Seminar on Methods, Publication, and Conferences
Master Strategic Design
A course on (scientific) writing for designers. The aim is to write conference papers for design, design research, and scientific conferences.